I am Content

Better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest.

Proverbs 16:8 NLT

Am I content with how much money I make? This is a question that I find that I've been asking myself since I started writing these blogs about 3 weeks ago. I feel like there's something within me that always wants more. Yet as I examine scripture it appears that contentment seems to be a key theme, in truly understanding how God wants us to be stewards of His resources.

I mean...do I really need more money? Hasn't God given me enough? Doesn't He always provide for my needs? No, Yes, and Yes. And yet I have a goal to make more money this year, than last year. Why? It's because I don't want to be lazy anymore, and I am no longer afraid to pursue the dreams that God has placed within. I believe the result will be a higher income, but if not I will be content in knowing that I'm doing the will of God. It's not about the money.

God's Word is truth. So when He says it is "Better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest," I believe Him. To set godliness aside to make money is foolishness.




It’s God’s