6 Habits of Successful YNABers:

01 — Enter Money When It Arrives

That means every payday, every birthday check, whenever you receive money that’s the moment it should be entered in your budget.

02 — Budget to Zero

You’re the boss. You decide where your money goes and allocate all of it to spending, saving, or debt categories.

03 — Check the Budget Before Spending

Even just a quick glance before you go grocery shopping. This keeps your budget—or more importantly, your priorities—top of mind

04 — Enter Day-to-Day Spending on the Mobile App

It’s best to get in the habit of entering frequent spending like groceries, gas, and dining out right when they happen.

05 — Reconcile Frequently

If your account balances aren’t right, there’s no chance your budget is right. If you’re just getting started, we recommend reconciling daily.

06 — Make Changes Whenever You Need or Want To

Budgeting is the process of prioritizing and reprioritizing. It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. Change your mind? Change your budget.

Start a new relationship with your budget today.