Need help budgeting?

Gospelmad offers personalized Budget Coaching Programs

Why Budget Coaching?

Specific reasons depend on your current financial situation and goals; which we can explore in a free initial call or contact us via email.

For most people the simple answer is you don’t have a budget, even though you know you should; but don’t know where to start or how to make it sustainable.

According to a Gallup poll in 2013 and a Credit Donkey survey in 2022, only 1 in 3 people actually have a written budget (not even factoring in whether they stick to it).

Gospelmad will provide you with the tools necessary to build a sustainable budget that accurately reflects your needs and goals. We do this by combining the power and simplicity of YNAB, with time tested financial principles found in God’s Word.

What is YNAB?

YNAB stands for “You Need a Budget”, and is the budgeting app and methodology that we use personally.

As a part of Gospelmad’s budget coaching program we like to teach YNAB’s 4 budgeting rules, and YNAB’s software was specifically designed with these 4 rules in mind.

Visit for more information.

Budget Coaching Packages

YNAB Coaching

YNAB Kickstarter

  • Great for individuals or couples new to budgeting and YNAB.

    As a YNAB Certified Coach, I will sit down with you to help set up YNAB, align it to your priorities and values, and create habits and routines to fit your lifestyle for long-term budgeting success.

    • Unlimited priority email

    • Unlimited text

    • Detailed session notes with outlined action steps

    • YNAB (3 months free)

    4 Video Calls:

    • 55 min discovery call (discuss immediate financial goals and situation; review YNAB 4 rules)

    • 85 min YNAB setup call (demo YNAB; set up your initial YNAB budget to begin tracking spend; discuss the 6 habits of successful YNABers)

    • 55 min follow-up call (Q&A on YNAB usage, review budget categories, identifying vision, Dreams, and values)

    • 55 min follow-up call (Q&A on YNAB usage, review progress on using the 4 Rules and 6 Habits, discuss establishing routines for long-term success)

  • $250

  • Completed over 3-4 weeks

YNAB Coaching

YNAB Next Level

  • Great for individuals or couples familiar with YNAB.

    As a YNAB Certified Coach, I will sit down with you to review your YNAB budget, discuss desired area of focus, and establish a plan to address it moving forward.

    • Unlimited priority email

    • Unlimited text

    • Detailed session notes with outlined action steps

    • YNAB (3 months free)

    4 Video Calls:

    (One) 55 min discovery/strategy call (discuss current financial situation, desired goals, establish a 4 week game plan)

    (Three) 10 min weekly accountability/progress calls

  • $85

  • Completed over 3-4 weeks

YNAB Coaching

Gospelmad Coaching

  • Great for individuals or couples new to budgeting, YNAB, and desiring to place a greater emphasis of being a good steward of the financial resources God has blessed you with.

    • Unlimited priority email

    • Unlimited text

    • Detailed session notes with outlined action steps

    • YNAB (3 months free)

    • Includes everything in YNAB Kickstarter package

    Plus, you will receive 16 additional video coaching calls for accountability, tracking of progress towards goals, and problem solving where needed:

    • (Four) 55 min video calls

    • (Four) 25 min video calls

    • (Eight) 10 min video calls

  • $220 per month

  • 3 months

Questions about which package is right for you, or ready to get started?

Start with a FREE consultation

Just complete contact form and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours
