
35 He also said to them, “When I sent you out without money-bag, traveling bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?” “Not a thing,” they said. 36 Then He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money-bag should take it, and also a traveling bag. And whoever doesn’t have a sword should sell his robe and buy one.

Luke 22:35-36 HCSB

Previously God told His disciples to not travel with provisions (i.e. money-bag), and now he's telling them to carry provisions. This brings a couple thoughts to mind:

  • Even without money God can provide for all of my needs.

  • I should look to God to determine my needs

For example, how much money do I need for retirement? This is something Randy Alcorn got me thinking about in his book Managing God's Money. Let's say that a Financial planner tells me that I need "X" millions of dollars to maintain my current lifestyle in retirement, and as a result I should be contributing "X" amount into my retirement accounts every paycheck. Should I do it? Possibly. But it is a decision that I should seek God's guidance in, because what if He wants me to give that money to Christian ministries now instead? This is just one example I've been thinking about...




Consider the Poor