Establish our Work

Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish for us the work of our hands—establish the work of our hands!

Psalm 90:17 HCSB

Psalm 90 is the only Psalm attributed to Moses. "Psalm 90 reminds us that we are only here for a brief time and that we should ask God to help us wisely make use of each day" (a. NKJV Lucado Encouraging Word Bible).

In this verse Moses asks God to show favor in establishing the work of their hands. Work is a gift from God, and should treat it as such. "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24 HCSB)


a. NKJV Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Nelson


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