God Provides

Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant  or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God,  who richly provides us with all things  to enjoy.

1 Timothy 6:17 HCSB

I’m unable to provide a specific dollar amount as it relates to what this verse means by “rich” (I’d imagine that it applies to more people than we think in the US). The bigger issue isn’t the amount of money itself, but a person’s attitude toward the amount of money that they have. 

This reminds me of my devotional from earlier today, which focused on Matthew 16:24-27 where Jesus was talking to his disciples about giving up their own way, taking up their cross, and following Him:

Turn from the things in your life that take His place. It could be that you find security in your income, and when your money gets low, so does your spirit. That would be a clear sign that you trust in money more than you trust in God’s willingness and ability to provide for your every need.. (from YouVersion’s “God is…Through Matthew” bible reading plan by iKan Ministries)

The devotional author's comments struck a nerve, because I can recall plenty of times when I’ve been puffed up or depressed simply because of the amount of money in my checking account. 

Remember our hope should be in God, not “wealth”; because it is God who richly provides. 


Chasing Riches


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