Money & Jesus
My learnings on building financial foundations on the Word of God.
Evil Ambitions
They gave him seventy silver coins from the temple of Baal-berith, which he used to hire some reckless troublemakers who agreed to follow him. He went to his father’s home at Ophrah, and there, on one stone, they killed all seventy of his half brothers, the sons of Gideon. But the youngest brother, Jotham, escaped and hid. - Judges 9:4-5 NLT
Zero Interest
who does not lend his money at interest or take a bribe against the innocent— the one who does these things will never be moved. - Psalm 15:5 HCSB
False Teachers
What sorrow awaits them! For they follow in the footsteps of Cain, who killed his brother. Like Balaam, they deceive people for money. And like Korah, they perish in their rebellion. - Jude 1:11 NLT
Bribes Blind
“Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth. - Exodus 23:8 NLT