Don’t Abandon Him
10 After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel. 11 The Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight and served the images of Baal. 12 They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They went after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them. And they angered the Lord. 13 They abandoned the Lord to serve Baal and the images of Ashtoreth. 14 This made the Lord burn with anger against Israel, so he handed them over to raiders who stole their possessions. He turned them over to their enemies all around, and they were no longer able to resist them. 15 Every time Israel went out to battle, the Lord fought against them, causing them to be defeated, just as he had warned. And the people were in great distress.
Judges 2:10-15 NLT
The book of Judges is a book where the people of Israel go through repeated cycles: sin, judgement, repentance, and rescue. In these verses we see sin and judgement. The sin was abandoning God, and the judgement was losing the protection of God; which caused them to lose battles and possessions. Sin always produces loss. The only reason we have anything is because He allows it. Let's prioritize the Lord, and never forget all the great things He's done for us.