Budgeting is Honesty

With Thy Self…

At Gospelmad we see beauty in simplicity and clarity. This is where budgeting and YNAB come into play.

We combine these tools along with the bible to help YOU make better decisions with YOUR money to achieve desired long and short term financial goals.

Rock vs Sand

When it comes to building a house, which foundation would you choose?

At Gospelmad we believe that if you’re managing money without Jesus, the bible, and prayer as the foundation; you’re building on sand.

There are thousands of bible verses that talk directly or indirectly about money and possessions; and we provide educational content based on this information, to help individuals and families make better financial decisions.

“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty”

— Proverbs 21:5 NLT


Submit contact form for us to discuss your specific situation, and how we may be able to help.